50 Before 50-State #10:Texas

Posted: June 14, 2023 in Uncategorized
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It’s been awhile since my last post. I was supposed to run state #10 back in June in Duluth, MN, but COVID found me two weeks before my race and wiped out my training. I have re-signed up and plan to cross the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon off this June! So in September, I was finally motivated to get back in running shape and started training for my New 10th State: TEXAS! My buddy Parks was looking for a New Year’s race we and came across the Texas Marathon. Our Third Amigo, George, would be sitting this one out do to the birth of their Daughter and my God daughter Beatrice :).


Just like I trained for Kansas, I used the Garmin Coach (Information below)

I selected Coach Greg this time and continued with my walk/run plan. Coach Greg’s plan was focused on time and not miles completed. I had three work outs a week that typically consisted of Tuesday-Stride repeats, Thursday-Easy run and Saturday Long run. Before the race I only ran 10.5 miles and I did feel like I was getting faster.

The Texas Marathon

Dec 31stArrival and Expo

When Parks and I arrived in Houston, we headed straight for Kingwood, TX to attend the packet pick up. It was in a pool house in a neighborhood in Kingwood. For a small, local race they had pretty great swag. Each participant got a long sleeve T-shirt, a running hat, and a gym bag; along with our bib. There were no vendors at packet pick up, so we did not linger besides taking a picture of the course map.

Next we headed to check into our hotel before exploring the area and grabbing dinner at a local Italian place.

After dinner we headed to the local Kroger to get some Champagne, since it was New Year’s Eve.

January 1st-Race Day

I woke up at 6:00am to do all my race race things listed below:

  • Drink my advocare spark
  • Drink my advocare arginine extreme
  • Oatmeal with Peanut Butter
  • Bathroom
  • Put on race attire
  • Prepare chews for the run
  • Stretch
  • take Advocare O2Gold
  • Bathroom
  • take honey stinger orange blossom energy chews

At about 7:00am we loaded up in the car to get there about 7:30am. Prior to race starting they had a big Medal Reveal, which they keep a secret until race day. Pictures of the medal at the end. The marathon started first at 8:00am and then we were off at 8:15am. Since Parks is faster he went near the front and I went towards the back.

It was a slow start. The race course was on paved path that lead to Lake Houston before it looped back, and the half marathon would need to do this twice. So not only was it narrow, but we would also be dealing with folks running back towards us. So with everyone packed together, I did not stick to my run 2 minutes walk 1 minute plan. I just ran to get around people, and then at about mile 2 I tried to get back on track with my plan. I should also mention it was hot, no shocker right as we were in Texas.

The course overall was fine, nothing too exciting. It just felt like we were running behind people’s houses through the woods to the lake. There was a good mist rising from the lake during the run.

At about mile 10 my calves were getting supper tight, but I pressed forward. I finished with a time of 2:29:21 just under my 2:30:00 time goal! Of course Parks dominated with a time of 1:42 and won our age group.

Overall a good local race. Those looking for something to do on New Year’s day and want to cross Texas off their list, this may be an ideal race for you. Fun local atmosphere with great swag. I was not a fan of the loop course on neighborhood side walks, and it was a little too hot for me, but it is Texas.

That’s a wrap on #10, up next will be state #11: GA which I did in February followed by State #12: MN which I am doing this weekend-my redemption race!

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